Friday, April 17, 2009

Excuses for my abscence. Anyone, anyone,-Bueller

I know it's been awhile since I posted. Come to think of it, I haven't posted all semester.
But yes, I do have excuses. At the beginning of the semester, I was in Narnia, directing a play involving a cast of a lion, a witch, and 20-plus extras all under the age of 12. After that I was transported to the beginning of creation, by Milton's Paradise Lost. Now that I've come back from my other-worldy trips. Oh boy, it's time for finals. My how the semester flies.
Well in other trips, I've discovered a new writing site, where you can post your book. My "The Light of Stella" is up there, with the first 6 chapters posted. So please check it out and comment.
Other than that, I hope to be posting again soon about further new excursions in the fictional world, both real, written, or televised.